Long long ago, a group of kind creatures originally lived on the mysterious vagrant land. However, one day demons invaded the peaceful place. Under the leadership of the Demon King👾, the monsters looted everywhere and accumulated countless wealth within decades. Brave adventurer, now lead your partners to defeat the Demon King and discover the countless treasures!🎁
Game Features 🎮
·Interesting and addictive gameplay with delicate graphics.
·Five different scenes with a lot of exciting levels : forest, iceland, desert, beach and volcano.
·After the block is eliminated, the partner with the same color as the block can launch an attack.
·There is attribute restraint between the elements, choose the correct target to attack.
·Enhance your partners' skills and let them have stronger battle power.
·Each partner has unique skills, you can match your team at will.
Come and try this challenging game and lead your partners to defeat the Demon King and explore the mysterious treasures!
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Thank you all for downloading and supporting Treasure of Monsters. Good luck and have fun!!💪